The Ad Copy Formatting Guide

Our latest blog posts reviewed design elements and creative pieces to make your brand consistent. Today, we added the ad copy formatting guide. Throughout our blog content, we have stressed the importance of consistency and developing a brand identity. This document further helps you do so. We attached a template specific to Brand Strides at the end of this article to serve as a reference point for your company to edit. 

What is an Ad Copy Formatting Guide?

An ad copy formatting guide is a document that serves as a place to note how you want certain elements to be written in your campaign elements, for example, the formatting of phone numbers, addresses, emails, etc. This document helps create consistent language and a look throughout your campaign elements. Using this guide as a reference point for all campaign materials is essential. Ensure that details of different campaign pieces are written in the same way to provide easy readability, allowing your readers to easily digest your content and understand that you are the company producing it.

Why is an Ad Copy Formatting Guide Important?

This document is important because you want to convey consistent messaging to your target audience. You have a very short window to capture the consumers' attention and get them to engage with your campaign. The easier you make the readability across your campaign, the more results and responses you will get from your target audience. Also, this document helps your internal communications to be consistent across departments. Everyone should agree with how different elements are being formatted. This document also helps to put these ideas in one place and serves as a reference point when producing company documents, communication materials, and campaigns.

How to use an Ad Copy Formatting Guide

Add the information you regularly include on your campaign materials, such as phone numbers, addresses, logos, etc. Look at previous campaign materials to identify what was used in the past and decide whether you want to keep the formatting the same. It’s okay to change the design as long as it stays consistent. Create sections in one document that serve as an outline.

Attached below is a template specific to Brand Strides that outlines how we have decided to format different campaign elements. Your company may choose to do things differently. Overall, your internal communication team and department leaders agree with how things are done to promote cohesion and consistency with all branding and marketing materials.

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