Appreciation, Acknowledgment, and Affirmation in the Workplace

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we are all mindful of our blessings. During November, many companies take the time to recognize their employees and share their appreciation for the hard work, loyalty, and dedication of employees as they strive to meet company goals and revenue targets.

Gratitude in the workplace has long-term benefits that impact the company’s overall success. Employees who feel appreciated go the extra mile, help foster a healthy company culture, and don’t look for another job elsewhere. All of these have an impact on their brand’s perception both internally and externally.

What puzzles us most at Brand Strides is that it’s a one-and-done attempt to show gratitude every time November rolls around for many companies. Gratitude should be ongoing, at all levels of an organization. You don’t need a lofty budget to express your appreciation.  It can be as simple as a handwritten note, a phone call, an email, or a text message.

Appreciation does not equal recognizing only your top performers. Whether peer-to-peer or manager-to-employee acknowledgment, appreciation, and ongoing affirmation will boost morale, foster a healthy company culture, and ultimately help develop a brand perception that is aligned with the company’s values, vision, and mission.

Here’s the Brand Strides Triple-A Gratitude Plan to help you drive a long-term positive change, that will impact your brand culture and perception internally and externally:

A for Appreciate:

Personal Recognition - The most meaningful form of appreciation is through personal recognition. A verbal or written form of appreciation can strengthen a bond between two colleagues.

Specific Recognition - Specific Recognition will be far more impactful and meaningful to the recipient. That time to think about the message and what specifically you are recognizing. Recognition with purposeful intent is key.

Unexpected Recognition – Recognition can lose its impact when it is always scheduled and part of a routine, don’t underestimate the value of real-time acknowledgment.

A for Acknowledge:

Say Good Morning – When a team member joins a call or walks into a room, take time to pause and welcome them into the conversation. They will feel connected and part of the conversation from the get-go. A simple acknowledgment changes their mindset and the tone in the room.

Give Compliments – Being nice does not cost you anything. Sharing that you liked the way someone approached a discussion or provided a different viewpoint, will help boost their self-esteem and give them the confidence to share feedback in future settings.

Listen with Intent – When peers or employees speak, listen with intent. Listen not to answer the question, but to hear with intent. Being fully present when someone is speaking to you shows that they are important and that what they are saying truly matters.

A for Affirm:

Team/ Department Communication – Some of us are better team players than others. Your team players foster collaboration and help unite a group of individuals, creating an environment of consensus and purpose. Make sure to recognize team and department successes through regular communication in a more public setting.

Company Newsletter – Ensure that the company’s internal communication strategy is buttoned up, whether it’s weekly, monthly, or quarterly communication to employees. Make sure to keep the content relevant and engaging. Allow employees to contribute to the content and always take time to showcase employees publicly.

CEO Spotlights – Some might say that the CEO does not have time to work through affirming employees publicly. However, any company’s most valuable asset is its people. When CEOs step up, employees undoubtedly do the same.

Company Awards – Awards ceremonies and award presentations can be very powerful brand and cultural-building moments for companies, which make employees feel good about themselves, the company they work for, and the work they do. Never underestimate the value of affirmation in the workplace.

As we head into 2023 how will you be using the Triple Action: Appreciate. Acknowledge. Affirm. to ensure that gratitude is displayed throughout your company all year long?

Partner with Brand Strides and know the difference between branding and marketing.

Tracy Hanford | Brand Marketer & Founder