Being Human

At Brand Strides our values are simple: Be human and be yourself. Bring energy and have fun. Build clarity and deliver a beautiful brand to market.

Do yourself a favor, and take 15 minutes out of your day to listen to Poet Ali's Ted Talk: The language of being human. You will not regret it.

Part of being human means that sometimes we need to break away from the day-to-day grind and find ourselves again. After 4 weeks in one of the most beautiful places in the world - South Africa - I had the opportunity to "Be Human" again. During my time off, I read many interesting articles, went on safari, hiked, visited wineries, and most of all reconnected with friends and family.

I was reminded that South Africa as a nation, has 11 official languages. If you speak more than one language, you know that sometimes certain words encompass so much more than the surface definition. Words like Howzit, Lekker, Braai, Shame, Eish(!), Yebo, and Sharp Sharp are just a few of the words used as part of South Africa's colloquial language.

Language is defined as the system of communication used by a particular community or country. So, how can we apply this definition to everything we do? How can we use this system of communication to connect rather than isolate, create new concepts and share experiences? Poet Ali's Ted Talk provides a different viewpoint on language. With digital marketing, communication has changed so significantly and sometimes we need to be reminded of just how many languages we really speak.

"How many languages do you speak?"

Poet Ali's Ted Talk: The language of being human.